Relax Your Mind Sleep Better & Elevate Your Life
With Yoga Nidra

It's time to pamper yourself with a membership and experience a different world or rest and peace from the noise in the world around you.

Unlock Deep Rest and Inner Peace with Yoga Nidra.
Transform Your
Nights and Days.

Join Our Yoga Nidra Community and
Escape the Noise.
Discover a New Realm of Tranquility and Rest

Start Today And See Immediate Results

Relaxed Mind

Yoga Nidra calms your mind and eases your "monkey mind" by promoting the secretion of calming hormones, leading to a more peaceful state of mind.

Sound Sleep

Experience restful, uninterrupted sleep as a direct benefit of Yoga Nidra. It helps reduce insomnia and supports immune system function, enhancing overall health.

Improved Mood

Boost your mood with the release of feel-good neurotransmitters. Yoga Nidra helps your brain and body work together for a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Reduced Tension

Yoga Nidra alleviates physical tension by addressing the stressful thoughts that contribute to muscle tightness and discomfort, helping your body relax more deeply.

Enhanced Creativity

Unlock your creative potential with a clear, focused mind. Yoga Nidra enhances mental function and capacity, making you more open to new ideas and information.

Form Positive Habits

A unique benefit of Yoga Nidra is its ability to support habit formation. By creating a positive mental environment, it accelerates the development of new habits and helps in modifying existing ones.

What Is Yoga Nidra?

Used for 1000s of years to achieve restful sleep and much, much more...

Yoga Nidra, also known by its newer term NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest), offers deep relaxation and mental clarity. Though NSDR has gained recent popularity, it essentially refers to the same practice as Yoga Nidra. Rooted in ancient Tantric traditions, Yoga Nidra was originally developed by seekers aiming for enlightenment and a deeper connection with their inner selves, often referred to as the Soul or True Self. This practice fosters a sense of unity with the world, which is central to both Yoga Nidra and NSDR.

 To help you understand the range of benefits Yoga Nidra can provide, let me break it down into different levels:  

Level 1 Yoga Nidra/NSDR: At its core, Yoga Nidra provides profound relaxation and restorative sleep. If this is what you're seeking, you're in the right place. The practice is perfectly suited for achieving these benefits.  

As Kamini Desai puts it:

"Using Yoga Nidra as a nap is like using a jet plane to drive to the grocery store. You can do it, but it's a gross utilization of its potential. A jet plane can drive, but is is meant to make you fly. Yoga Nidra can help you rest, but is was meant to help you soar."

Level 2 Yoga Nidra/NSDR:  As you advance, you may experience physical benefits such as reduced anxiety, increased hormone balance, lower cortisol levels, decreased blood pressure, and pain relief. You might also find that tasks and learning come more easily.

Level 3 Yoga Nidra/NSDR: This level introduces emotional benefits. With the use of intentional phrases, you may start to view challenges as opportunities, become less affected by minor issues, and improve your ability to manage personal and work-related situations. It can also help in managing PTSD-related experiences.

Level 4 Yoga Nidra/NSDR: At this stage, you might find a greater sense of balance in your life. Past troubles may become less significant, and you may experience a calm, peaceful demeanor and renewed enthusiasm for life. Your mind opens up, allowing for a deeper engagement with the world.

Level 5 Yoga Nidra/NSDR: Here, you explore deeper levels of understanding and personal growth, akin to the experiences sought by the original practitioners.

These levels are meant to illustrate the variety of benefits Yoga Nidra can offer. Keep in mind that there's nothing to say you can't experience a combination of these benefits as you progress in your practice. Your personal journey will be unique to you, blending different aspects as you grow.

Certified & Specialized

Science Backed Meditation

Safe, Private &
In Your Home

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Live a more relaxed and stress free life

  • Sleep more soundly through the night: Enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep.
  • Enhance Memory and Recall: Improve your ability to remember and retrieve information.
  • Boost Focus and Concentration: Sharpen your attention amidst the constant flow of information throughout your day. 
  • Improve Your Mood: Gain the ability to pause and reset, leading to a more balanced emotional state and reduced reactive behavior.
  • Facilitate Habit Change: Create a mental environment that supports the adoption of new, positive habits.
  • Master New Skills and Retain Information: Enhance your ability to learn and retain new skills and knowledge.
  • Reduce Anxiety: Calm your sympathetic nervous system, reducing stress responses like fight, flight, or freeze. 
  • And many, many more...

What People Are Saying

 "Listening to this was the 1st time I slept through the night in weeks. Thank you so much!!" 

Jewel S.

 "I am a long-time meditator. That was one of the deepest meditations I have ever experienced. I love Yoga Nidra. You are awesome! Thank you so much for the Bliss! Perfect timing. I will be practicing this more. Love and light." 

Susie S.

 "One of the best yoga nidras I’ve done. Fantastic! Thank you." 


Hi, I'm Gary!

I was once just like you—exhausted from a desk job and disillusioned by the traditional approach to meditation. The chants, the om's, the hand gestures, beads, crystals, and incense felt more like barriers than benefits.

 For many of us, these rituals overshadow the real benefits of meditation. We’re after simpler solutions: better sleep, enhanced creativity, increased productivity, and a calmer mind. But instead of finding what we need, we're met with an overwhelming array of spiritual practices that just don't resonate.

I realized that people like us were missing out on profound benefits simply because meditation had been shrouded in unnecessary complexity. So, I set out to create a program that strips away the excess and delivers what we truly need—a straightforward, effective way to meditate without the traditional trappings.  

After hundreds of hours of training, refining techniques, and teaching both groups and individuals, I developed a program tailored for those who want real results without the fluff. This is meditation designed to fit into your life, accessible from the comfort of your home with just a quiet spot to lie down.

If you’ve been put off by meditation’s mystique and want a practical, down-to-earth approach that delivers real benefits, this program is for you.

See you on the inside,

More People Are Saying

 "Really helped me to sleep when I was feeling anxious" 

Gabriela X.

 "Thank you very much for doing this exercise without any background music! It's really hard to find good Nidra exercises without music so I appreciate that a lot!" 

Markus S.

 "Excellent practice for relaxation! Thank you Gary" 

Daniela P.


Monthly Membership


Per month

  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • Invitations to attend 4 live monthly recording sessions
  • Email support
  • Full download capability so you can take them on the go.



(SAVE 20%)

Per year

  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • Video and Audio Files
  • 12 Week Program
  • Full download capability so you can take them on the go.

Private & Small Group Sessions

from $150

  • 1, 5, and 10 sessions available
  • Done for you live on your schedule
  • Great for schools, offices, or groups of friends who want to have a bonding experience
  • Custom meditations done just for you!

  • Weekly Professional Quality Meditations
  • Video & Audio file formats
  • Journaling prompts to help you get the most out of your meditations
  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • New content delivered weekly!
  • Suggest topics for future meditations


  • Masterclass on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level of intentions (BONUS 2 Hour Training)
  • Bonus videos on how to unblock common stuck points
  • Shortened Meditations for the time crunched
  • Live Meditations offered periodically on a first come first served basis







Monthly Membership


Per month

  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • Invitations to attend 4 live monthly recording sessions
  • Email support
  • Full download capability so you can take them on the go.



(SAVE 20%)

Per year

  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • Video and Audio Files
  • 12 Week Program
  • Full download capability so you can take them on the go.

Private & Small Group Sessions

from $150

  • 1, 5, and 10 sessions available
  • Done for you live on your schedule
  • Great for schools, offices, or groups of friends who want to have a bonding experience
  • Custom meditations done just for you!

  • 12 Weeks of Professional Quality Meditations
  • Video & Audio file formats
  • Journaling prompts to help you get the most out of your meditations
  • Unlimited access to all recordings
  • New content delivered weekly!
  • Suggest topics for future meditations
  • Live recorded meditations from retreats around the world!


  • Masterclass on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level of intentions (BONUS 2 Hour Training)
  • Bonus videos on how to unblock common stuck points, focus and mindset, and much more!
  • Shortened Meditations for the time crunched
  • Live Meditations offered periodically on a first come first served basis




"That was beautiful. Thank you so much!"

Nina S.

"Thank you Gary, I do this one every day for releasing stress and tension. love it.. having studied hypnosis and many other holistic therapies i am really getting to adore yoga nidra. if you have any more for pain relief etc please let me know. Thank you. 🤗👍🙏"

Jenny J.

"Wonderful meditation!"

Nathalie C.,

Recent Successes

So appreciated just the soothing voice and the inner world of unlimited possibilities

Mary Lee R.

So very relaxing- thank you 🙏


Loved it especially since I dropped off after the end for an extra bit of sleep during a fitful night. Quiet background. Easygoing voice. Engaging visualizations.

Susan T.

Thank you for this beautiful yoga nidra 🙏


"Just right for just now."


Thank you for a wonderful journey. I have struggled much lately and I can feel a sense of myself returning now. 🕉️🙏

Brandon T.

Thank you so much for this it really helps me!

Francesco R.

Great meditation. I love it . Thank you ! : )


Loved this, very relaxing. 🙏🏻💕


Fantastic... 🙏🏽🌈


Excellent morning healing meditation blessings with lo and. gratitude 🙏

Sia G.

Quieting Calming Secure

Susan T.

First Time Doing Yoga Nidra?

It's as easy as...

Find Your Space

Start by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This could be your bed, a yoga mat on the floor, or even a comfy chair if lying down isn’t an option. The most important thing is that you feel at ease.

Get Comfortable

A blanket to cover yourself with and either another blanket to support your head or a thin pillow. Also, if you're having any low back issues you will probably enjoy a rolled up blanket or pillow under your knees. Again, think supreme comfort!

Listen and Let Go

Press play on your Yoga Nidra session and let the guide’s voice lead you. There’s nothing you need to do—just listen and let go. You might be guided through a body scan, where you’ll focus on different parts of your body, or a visualization exercise. Just follow along and allow yourself to relax.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Absolutely! This program is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of experience. Whether you're new to meditation or have tried other practices before, Yoga Nidra offers a gentle yet powerful way to relax and restore your mind and body.

It's normal for some people to need a few sessions to fully relax into meditation and experience the benefits. The important thing is to keep an open mind and give yourself time to adjust. This is a new experience, just like riding a bike. Each session builds comfortability with the practice, and soon you'll find it easier to let go and enjoy the experience.

Not at all! Once we get started all you need to do is lie there and follow my voice. There is nothing to do. In fact, I encourage you not to move once you find your comfort zone.

While you want to try to remain awake through the entire session, if you fall asleep you will still hear my voice even if you aren't consciously aware of it. You may have just needed the power nap. The good news is that you will still receive the benefits!

My meditations are different from the traditional meditations in a few of ways.  

First, they are passive, meaning that ideally you won't be doing anything but following my voice and staying mentally awake.  

Second, even though we are going to be isolated, chanting, murmuring and other incantations can be off putting to some (not to mention your family and coworkers). Any time we do have a vocal component, which is rarely, I will note it in the lesson. You are also welcome to simply listen and try it when you're in a better space.  

Finally, I avoid the "woo" to make this a really doable meditation. Your mind is busy enough and the last thing you need to do is to focus on a word or phrase. I will only use a few sanskrit words and when I do I will tell you how those correlate to today's world.

You can try this meditation sitting as well, just make sure that you are in a relaxing posture. I don't recommend sitting in an office chair, especially if it has points that push back against you. Specifically in the lower back, pelvis and hamstring areas. Extending the legs can sometimes alleviate this.

Another thing to consider is your neck and head. Most office chairs offer no support for those areas of the body. If you find that you are fighting to find comfort in your neck and head, it may be best to lay down next time. Reclining chairs are an excellent compromise!

The first thing you can try is a pillow or rolled up blanket behind the knees. This will help most of the time for things like low back issues. However if it is a more severe problem or you just don't feel comfortable you can roll over onto one side in the fetal position.

Yoga Nidra can be practiced at any time that fits your schedule. Some people prefer to do it before bed to enhance their relaxing into sleep, while others find it beneficial during the day to recharge. Experiment to find what works best for you and your lifestyle.